We care for zero - Dussmann sustainability concept
Urban forestry, trees in urban parks in Turin: Dussmann and Rete Clima
published 11/14/2022
Dussmann Italy and Rete Clima together for urban forestry in Turin within the Colletta Park
On November 14, Dussmann Italy and Rete Clima planted 500 plants that, together with the various ecosystem services generated, over their entire plant cycle will contribute to absorb about 225,000 kg of CO2: the planting activity is part of the Italian Forest Campaign, promoted by Climate Network in partnership with Coldiretti and PEFC Italy and supported by the companies. The planting and post-planting care of trees generate many benefits in terms of the environment, climate, social, health but also awareness of the people involved. Dussmann Service has decided to finance and support the Foresta Italia campaign, aimed at carrying out projects of new urban forestry, with the aim of territorial renaturalization, as a strategy for the concrete implementation of CSR and corporate environmental responsibility.