Diverse occupational groups at a glance

Careers at Dussmann - Find the job that suits you

Become part of the Dussmann team!

Whether building technology or e-mobility - we offer services in many business segments. These are just as diverse as the career opportunities that await you everywhere in our company. For this reason, we are also always looking for qualified and motivated employees. They are the basis of our company's success. 

Dussmann offers numerous entry opportunities for experienced professionals as well as for employees who have not completed their training. We are also happy to welcome people returning to work or those who would like to try something new.

BenefitsWe've got a lot to offer

Our employees benefit from the many advantages of a broad-based service company. You will also find the specific benefits in the respective job advertisement.

Fair Payment

Dussmann offers punctual and fair remuneration and is the basis of trust for all our employees.


Job security

We are a crisis-proof company due to a high equity ratio and a diverse corporate structure with activities in the sectors facility management, food services and technical solutions.

Further training

Our company training and further education centers, the Dussmann Campus offer a wide range of opportunities for personal development.

Equal opportunities and diversity

We promote equal opportunity, prevent of all form of discrimination and value a culture of  diversity. In Germany alone, employees from over 100 nations work for the company.



Wherever your home is, there is a job at Dussmann near you. Even if you move, you can still be part of the team thanks to mobile working. 



You benefit from attractive discounts, not only in Berlin, but also online. Through Corporate Benefits® you have access to discounts in online stores and on many services.


INVESTMENT IN EMPLOYEESDussmann Service training school

The Dussmann Service training school is an e-learning platform born in 2019 with the aim of reaching all Dussmann employees in a timely and capillary way with specific training courses for each profession.

Each individual training course, regularly paid to the worker who follows it, provides for the issuance of a certificate of participation and the passing of a final test to ensure the correct learning of the training disciplines.  In addition to courses dedicated to worker safety, the e-learning platform offers technical and managerial training.

Alongside the e-learning platform, Dussmann continues to provide training activities to its employees in the classroom and on the job. 

Dussmann as the largest service section of the Dussmann Group

With 68,200 employees in 21 countries, the Dussmann Group offers a full range of services having to do with buildings and people. This is the overall umbrella organization for our sectors: Dussmann, Kursana, Dussmann KulturKindergarten and Dussmann das KulturKaufhaus..