Dussmann publishes its first Sustainability Report
published 02/20/2023
The press conference was held in the Auditorium of Confindustria Bergamo inside the Kilometro Rosso
"We are very satisfied with this goal that projects us towards the future"
"For our Company it is an important goal - said the President and CEO Renato Spotti - because it comes from far away, when the word "sustainability" was not often heard but Dussmann was already engaged on that front".
After the presentation of the economic results of Dussmann for the year 2022 with a turnover of 798 million Euro and an increase of 120 million Euro compared to the previous year, the President illustrated the vision that led the Company to adopt the ESG Budget well in advance of the legal obligation.
"Today companies - continues Spotti - in order to maintain their market share must be able to maintain high quality services, producing a positive impact on the environment and at the same time creating shared value for stakeholders. Dussmann has been an active part of this transformation of the way of doing business also thanks to its Customers, who require to be partners on the theme of sustainability with respect to their stakeholders".
Dussmann’s attention to a responsible approach in the way of doing business began over 15 years ago: in 2007 our company obtained the SA8000 certification. From that moment a series of awards have arrived to define even more a path already traced. To name just a few: EMAS, Legality Rating 3 stars, ISO 37001 for the fight against corruption and - most recently - ISO 50001 certification on the energy management system, the EPD, MSC and ASC certificate, and finally the UNI ISO 30415 certification for the management of human resources - diversity and inclusion. "In this direction - continues Victor Bruschi - the Sustainability Report is in line with Dussmann’s attitude to look carefully at the effects that its activities produce on the community. However, it is not a point of arrival: there is still much to do, we set ourselves concrete, serious and ambitious goals".
The Sustainability Report, in fact, by its nature is a summary of the objectives set for the year under analysis and, At the same time, it has a vision towards the future since it asks companies to pose new relevant issues on which to act that concern all three dimensions (Environmental, Social and Governance).
"We are really satisfied with this goal - concludes Giada De Grazia - because it allowed us to start a change of perspective within the company organization. This work involved a careful level of analysis of Dussmann, involved an internal and external confrontation and led us to seriously think about who we are and where we want to go. I think it can be a great opportunity to get to know each other even more deeply and act responsibly towards the environment, the community and our stakeholders".